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Raw food diet migraines -

20-12-2016 à 14:41:45
Raw food diet migraines
Interesting hypothesis, however a similar experiment has been conducted on our food supply for over a century based on similar reductionist theories. I am in the Navy and have been for the last 20 years and have always struggled with my weight and energy levels ( suprisingly it does not affect my fitness level). With your product, I do imagine a future where hunger is near eliminated, and land space can be used for other purposes. Would this be something for a diabetic to foloow-I am NIDDM. I am a healthy eater as to not add extra cholesterol to my body and a very active person. The chilliness and slight gain after a month is indicative of a lowered metabolism, much like a starvation response. I can grasp larger software projects and longer and more complex scientific papers more effectively. Acne gone, high blood pressure gone, no more acid reflux, no more constipation, my skin is GLOWING and I feel GREAT. The endless hours spent cooking and cleaning in the kitchen could be replaced with socializing, study, or creative endeavors. I have a blood clotting disorder (ITP) and PCOS. Seems like you have an undiagnosed food intolerance. Pingback: Rob Rhinehart has a crazy plan to let you go without food forever. , and hunger overseas. Between the autoimmune and colon problems I lost more than 20 pounds. Also falls right into place with the beneficial effects of intermittent fasting and calorie restriction to extend life expectancy. People will save money on food and spend it elsewhere thus helping the economy, peoples minds would be sharper and disieses would slow to a hault because peoples immune systems will be in top gear all the time. For those addicted to diet coke, I have found that this diet coupled with another devise has been truly amazing. I did read that fish is one of the items that has a great amount of Vitamin D for deficient persons. I REALLY hope you ladies stick with the diet. Little or no carb. There are no meats, fruits, vegetables, or breads here. I hope everything works for you and I would love this. I use these a lot in my current cooking, which I am modifying to start eating Paleo. And squash has fewer carbs in it than sweet potatoes or cassava, but still more than, say, broccoli. I am starting my diet this weekend and so far so good. Would it be possible for you to post a more detailed description of what exactly you put into Soylent and how you made the drink from those ingredients. How to kick the diet cola habit depends on your personality. Perhaps in supplement form you may get all you need. Catering for specialised allergies (nut,gluten etc) will make this product sell, as well as flavourings. I researched every substance the body needs to survive, plus a few extras shown to be beneficial, and purchased all of them in nearly raw chemical form from a variety of sources. Density of metallic sodium is 0. No other organism has achieved the level of control over the terms of their own existence as we have. That said, he IS NOT attempting to submit this to a peer-reviewed journal. I decided to look that up on google and look what ive stumbled accross. I have also been on a fully ketogenic diet, less than twenty carbs per day. If so how do you prevent it, any plugin or anything you can. The results all were only short lived then I was back where I started. For example, berries, tea and wine all contain tannin, which causes me to have migraines. All I can give you is the best of luck to whatever comes next. Correct, I simply increased my fat and carbohydrate intake. However, I was eating most of my meals by myself, from cheap and convenient foods, which was unhealthy. This is how they measure for the progression of atherosclerosis. Commercial olives are picked when UNRIPE, then dipped in a caustic soda bath, then are pickled in a salt brine or first died black for black olives. I hate the time it takes to cook, prepare, clean up each day and tend to do the least possible. The body is well able to survive on just water for a month without huge problems besides weight loss. For instance, particular chemicals are very lethal when overdosed by just a few micrograms, such as Vitamin D and A. Try eating fruit for dessert if the added sugar is an issue. Yes, this is all great, but, what about the pleasure of eating food that you like. I am sometimes worried of not comsuming enought of what could actually good for me. The product line ranges from 200 calories per bottle to 350 calories per bottle. Eggs are good, but not super high in protein. we try to eat correctly but quite simply cant afford it. Though this is only one case, it should be representative of most people since my diet and exercise genetics are typical. Not a safe, effective supplelment but, a supplement. The ebook also explains it in much more depth. I am hopeful diabetics could use this to control their blood sugar. Pingback: Soylent - Food replacement - Christian Forums. I can very much see it being extremely beneficial to society, reducing the need for agricultural space, etc. Ok so iv realised i need some carbs st lunch time otherwise im brain dead. I do hope this works, but keep an eye on yourself in the long run, people frequently have positive responses to almost any dietary change in the early stages. My sister recommended that I go back on the paleo diet (was on it for a little while 6 years ago), but absolutely no fruit whatsoever. You may need to add more liquid to the recipe in the form of eggs, oil or even fruit, though, because coconut flour absorbs a lot. Only IV nutrition might be able to eliminate the need for the intestines. This sounds very interesting and I am more than prepared to give your exeriment ago. I have a serious issue with not being able to eat certain foods. If people would want to lose weight with this, I would recommend adding a keto product as well as the original. Ive been eating Paleo over 2 months and I feel much better. I suppose the tests you are carrying out are largely intended to identify this, but I would be interested to know what degree of variation you are expecting. If nothing else, health conscious students everywhere will be lucking out. It might be easiest to just go cold turkey with that stuff, but be prepared for some detox symptoms like headaches, mood swings and fatigue. This ar the pleasure thing in life, in fact, we italian we are not depressed, we enjoy life and we do not need therapy. Meals are institutions distilling food knowledge and social protocols that humans have assimilated over the eons. If this is because it spoils, potentially you could try autoclaving it. Any suggestions on how to kick the Diet cola habit. Just some random innernet being of indiscriminate conceptions. Please read this page, and all your questions should be answered. I know we are supposed to stay away from store bought dehydrated foods because of added sugars, but can we dehydrate our own. However, the hassle of eating is finally catching up to me and annoying me even more. I would posit that food, its preparations and consumption, are all fundamental aspects of culture and civilization. Hey I am 18 and about to start college this summer I was wondering if you could send me a more indepth analysis as well. I would choose fermented cod liver oil and virgin coconut oil over olive oil any day. This is simply the way people ate and were relatively disease free. Do you think the following plan would go with the characteristics of the Paleo Diet. I have more energy than I know what to do with. While I am aware that with Hypothyroid patients you can expect a wide range of symptoms that affect your body, never in my wildest thoughts would I have suspected that a added Vitamin D deficiency was the culprit to my moans and groans. I cook a potato with mine and then toss the potato. Has anyone thought of the implications of this experiment in regards to world hunger. Grains really are empty calories for the most part. And you have to take in calicum and magesuim at the same time in even amounts or you pass the excess. This would totally work but it looks like way to much trouble to go to when all this stuff already comes precombined in food. I used to run less than a mile at the gym, now I can run 7. Published in Rueters Health on 3 March, 2000, was an article showing that research on men taking just 500 mg of synthetic vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), daily for only 18 months caused an increase by 250% in the intimia media (inner lining) of the corotid artery. As for the milk, it depends on the recipe. Finally, this sounds like a really good experiment. I just read the comments above and they give me tremendous hope. I think that the premise this is based on, even if it is assumed, is a sound one. My physique has noticeably improved, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my hair thicker and my dandruff gone. The less transit time there is between the farm and you, the more nutrients the produce retains. However what do you know, when you Americans, get your food from the drive thru and you eat on your SUV on the way home, or in front of a TV with your Dominos pizza in the good days. I also want to know your opinion on tapioca. If I can be of any kind of help with your project feel free to contact me, I would defiantly be available for any kind of study. This is a meaningless term (not legally protected, I can say my dog is a naturopathic doctor and nobody can really refute it). but its a pleasure, the odors, the vision, the taste. total carb, and 2. I love this idea and have done this on a mini scale since being a starving student by subsisting on a few foods that contained what I though would fill nutritional requirements. Providing diverse, palatable, and nutritious meals for an entire family every day must be exhausting. Powdered goods can be shipped compact and for more people, things like livestock farms will be a thing of the past because all the nutrition you can get from animals can be grown in the plants that are being processed to create raw nutrition. This site has helped answer a lot of my questions and clear up the what to and what not to eat dilemma I was facing. The body is pretty robust as well, one can live on milk and potatoes for decades. I decided to not take it or a puffer and see what happened, low and behold no asthma. I like the helpful information you supply to your articles. Even if you mostly cook for yourself, this idea is culturally ingrained to the point that people rarely sit down and consider their diet and buying habits. She is 20 and has lived with this for the past 5 years of her life. My question is though if im not as active and i still want to lose weight like i am, how much carbs can i eat per day. Pingback: How I Survived A Week Without Food. I read a book on Number Theory in one sitting, a Differential Geometry book in a weekend, filling up a notebook in the process. Si if I hadnt tried the Paleo diet I would never of known that I must be allergic to wheat and it gives me asthma. So Brad- make some little changes on the formula and make it available to all of us. A cultural change in attitudes to food is possible if it were not for vested interests in the food industry that need to be eradicated. An example would be the complexity of trace elements found in sea salt as opposed to purified table salt, or the trace elements and minerals found in a fresh orange as opposed to the purified ascorbic acid found in Vitamin C. I would like a follow up email to my question. Pingback: Rob Rhinehart has a crazy plan to let you go without food forever. I love the Paleo diet feel great and asthma free. This goes for all deli meats and otherwise processed meats. Theoretically you could have less carbs for someone who was over weight, do you think you would do an experiment like this. There is only one cholesterol molecule and cholesterol is necessary for life. I totally believe it promotes a healthy lifestyle and I would recommend it. I am so glad to see so many passionate people raving about a diet that has transformed my life. I also noticed I was generating far less trash than before. Michael Werner a German scientist stopped eating in 2001 and is fit and healthy. I hope to see a product come out of this, as many like me would be interested in more efficient eating. ) when they start drinking it all the time. Certain vitamins, like B12, need certain adjuncts (intrinsic factor) to be absorbed, miss these and you miss the nutrient. The same force that turned wolves into purse dogs has been acting on nearly every single plant that humans consume. You might actually need a couple of control groups. You are also assuming that we only eat to sustain ourselves. He is doing something that many people only wish they could do. Its going to be difficult for me to get everything i need without looking suss. In general, eating Paleo means eating veggies, fruits, meats, fish, certain fats, nuts, and seeds. Hey, i was just wondering what the omega 3 too omega 6 ratio is in soylent. 67 g. And yes, your cholesterol might go up, but not in a bad way. Plants are not as passive as people think, and they are no slouches when it comes to murder. How does one go on a paleo eating plan and gain weight at the same time. For the love of Naturopaths, acupuncturists, herbalists, homeopaths ETC. What about condments and salad dressings are we supposed to read the ingredients in Mayo or italian dressings to see if it contains the oils that are restricted. As it is probably sweet and so easy to drink, so the risk to snack 10 times a day instead of 3 meals, so it exposes teeth to a lot of acids so big risk of tooth decay. Metallic sodium is VERY light. I was very confused by this since the only protein shakes I could find are whey or soy based. I got someone onto the paleo diet and he lost 4 stone. It will be easier on his digestive tract and help him absorbed the nutrients he needs. You seem to be ignoring the results of the experiment. Do you have any helpful hints for newbie blog writers. It COULD cut costs in my house for me and my wife,but I would still have some food and normal meals around for my son. I am in the medical field and have been thinking about how I can help those in less developed countries, and feel like this is a great option. A commercial product could be the end of it all for most people. I will not say I read all of the post other people put but I did read about the ketogenic diet. I love the way you write and I totally agree with what you say. I think this is a fabulous idea by the way, if i were in the US i would definately sign up for a trial. My biggest concern is from looking at the ingredients. I read your article and it really seems to struck me. Honestly, I see this simply as a no-nonsense diet. So, I think that if anything this represents a healthier, and probably safer alternative to most diets. Just wondering where and what form of chemical did you get. I have RA and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 18 months ago. From my experience, magnesium glycinate is the most absorbable. I eat regular meals once or twice a week now and there have been no ill effects. I only drink socially, and now I only eat socially. Take a multivitamin, or just eat a balanced diet. One day I accidentally put in a tablespoon of salt, rather than a teaspoon. That means flour, even white flour (especially white flour, actually), so conventional bread, pasta, cookies, cake, bagels, muffins, tortillas, and any other white fluffy thing you may love. I read this article and am very interested in this. One minute you could be struggling the conventional Spanish Tapas plus sangria, the upcoming you. For all of the foods listed, our hope is that you choose those that are free of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, animal abuse and that the food the animals were fed was appropriate for their species. The protein causes a slightly more acidic blood therefore in order to neutralize, it pulls from the bones calcium and other minerals which cannot be offset by simply taking more of. Hmm it looks like your blog ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I. Durians will literally drop down out of the trees and bash your head in with their spikes. Since learning how to cook gluten free, I have started slowly gaining weight again (many gluten-free products are higher in calories than their wheat counterparts) and my digestion is slowing yet again. No gas. Its more sustainable in the sense that it will create a ripple effect. So plese do you think you are able to help me in my time of need. Without sharing the ingredients, this is irreproducible, and scientifically invalid, and thus pure and unadulterated bullshit. From what I understand, the colon cancer risk is due to the length of time that rubbish (undigested food, aka toxic waste products) sits in your colon for, and the roughage helps protect against this because it speeds up the passage of material through the bowel so that waste is excreted in a timely manner. I could replace this with an alternative source of amino acids as well. So, if you feel you need the nutrients from whole grain and beans, check out the Weston Price site in detail. Your pre-experiment sounds just like a lot of people before they figure out what is making them so tired and ruining their skin. Little is known about the long-term in a lot of things, but we have to try. This is an excellent article on the benefits of cholesterol. I found two powder mixtures that work well for me: Vega One (which is found online or at a whole foods type place), the other is Inflacleanse (found online). I might not give up on food completely, but most of the time I have to eat alone which is pretty boring and a waste of time. Will it really deter my diet that much if I drink tap water. I wonder if there was a way to make a mixture that was high in fiber. I started paleo plan a week ago and love but have been eating sunflower oil butter for some snacking. Minerals are various metals primarily in their element form, i. I want to join this experiment, please let me know if u need someone else to test this on. A lot of them have nasty preservatives and other non-Paleo ingredients in them. I am trying the whole Paleo thing since I have rheumatoid arthritis. Which we generally scope out the free days) and we rarely eat out. They are debatably one of the major causes of heart disease. On Dec. In fact, I know of one man that began the diet while infected with cancer and within a few weeks was cancer free. However I will say to anyone starting that sometimes you DO have to make some changes for YOU. I had my blood tested in two ways: complete blood count and chemical panel, and got a lipid panel near the end. Why are almonds considered ok on a hunter gatherer based diet. Nature evolved itself to what it is no one waved a magical wand to create it my friend. I am thinking of adding some calories back in and my question is which veggies have the best bang for the buck, especially carbs. Eating a decent range of tasty and nutritious food is essential for good mental health. My son uses a VitaMix 5200 (about ten horsepower) blender to grind up both vegetables and fruits to make highly-concentrated smoothies which he lives on for days at a time. The baby would still get his milk, obviously. Those are the two biggest reasons people experience fatigue on Paleo. See our FAQ answer to that question here. I watched it a little, avoiding all fast food, eating kale, avoiding trans fats, and exercising a couple times a week. My first thought was why dont i just get every nutrient and vitamin my body need to thrive and out it all together in one drink. Hi, I am wondering how you get around being at social functions. And whenever I dine out, which is usually once a week, I want to eat something really tasty. That means soy in any form (again, check the ingredients of ALL the foods you eat), lentils, black beans, pinto beans, red beans, peanuts (sub out your peanut butter with almond butter), white beans, garbanzo beans, you get the gist. Pingback: La ciencia del sabor - Marketing digital: Marketing digital. not even trying and eating all I want in just 19 days. I appreciate that you are trying to approach this in a scientific manner, having admitted that you are not an expert in the field. I would think that their presence would only be relevant if you were to return to eating regular foods, as their main funciton is the digestion and decomposition of whatever mass is resting in your intestines. On the other hand, Gary Taubes has written extensively on the myriad bad science in the field, so large grains of salt are needed when approaching the advice of any so called expert. To be fair, I also know nothing about nutrition or biology, but that all seems logical. Know that smaller fish like anchovies generally have less bio-accumulation of heavy metals and toxins, and high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. Hunger comes from two chemicals triggered by a lack of nutrients, ghrelin and leptin, as well as mechano-sensors in the stomach. Thank you, clear and concise information without any BS. The complete vs incomplete protein myths have long been shattered. This would make life a lot easier for those people. You might consider talking to a respected gastroenterologist about this. I had my niece read the article and it lit a very fair light of interest. In other words, you doing some type of diet for one month means nothing. There is no substitute for real, whole foods which our bodies require. He eats an occasional large porterhouse steak to make sure he has a balanced diet. I got muscle atrophy and lost my sense of smell from taking Lipator, the doctors give it to everyone and never tell anyone to take fish oil that lowers chorestorol. As far as i know, the sense of hunger is cause not only by ghrelin and leptin, but also some profound psychological factors such as eating time and eating clue. I am really intrigued by your product, but I am also very skeptical. Also as an endurance athlete what would you recommend for fuel for the long workouts prior and during, last 3-5 hours. For those of us with gluten allergies, this is important to know. I can very realistically see the FDA requiring a prescription to purchase the raw ingrediants, or go ahead and pay 10-50x this amount for premade approved stuff. I am very curious and wish to make this my diet also. Want to get started but no idea how to start my day. Just use all those sweeteners in moderation, as in not every day. I have decided to provide the parents with nutrition coaching for their children to hopefully help with traveling and help our young athletes learn healthy habits as young athletes. Did you keep the same proportions of everything and just increase your total Soylent intake. This is sort of like a long term velocity diet. As a fellow engineer, I see the efficiency here, and trust in your research for the formula. But moreover, try them both out for yourself in the healthiest way possible for 2 weeks to a month and see which one makes you feel better. I also believe that a lot of the products and powders you use to make your drink are expensive to produce, and require lots of wasteful energy to harvest them from the environment. I try to buy grass fed meat when I can but most of the time I have to buy conventional meats. Sadly, his cholesterol went up and it panicked him, no matter how much I explained the complexities of cholesterol. But then, I also find capitalism to be so. Every other organism on the planet eats food to survive, real food that is made of other real living things. I have just started the Paleo Plan and I am truly enjoying the benefits that I have seen such as clear skin (for the first time in my life) and the increased energy (which my husband is loving). Im a 21 year old, with a big weight problem. I am a college student for whom eating and sleeping are a constant battle. No hormones, no antibiotics, all natural hay and grass, and our animals are treated with dignity and care. Myself, I would miss the flavor of rare, pasture-raised beef steak (no grains, no hormones, no anti-biotics). Also, every body is different and there may be long term effects so more data is necessary. My question exactly: it seems most of the chemical work here that can go wrong is in the vitamins and minerals. He even goes on to attribute a deity, adding to his lack of judgment. Just wanted to let you know that many people have had success with applying Coconut Oil on their KP to help reduce it. I am considering adding meat back to my diet but sparingly. It would take some of the measuring and guess work out of this. Just have a light meal during the day and skip dinner, and voila. But for others with more compromised guts and therefore sensitive immune systems, quinoa may not be ok. These oils are very high in omega 6 fatty acids, which promote inflammation (as opposed to omega 3 fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory). Yes, you can absolve yourself of legal responsibilities. I think such a formula could take a lifetime to perfect, you never know the long-term implications of certain deficiencies, be it flavanoids, anti-oxidants, friendly bacteria or countless other things. However, you must realize that the bacteria are already there, and if not fed are very likely to migrate into the body tissue. but this has got to make me feel better. It sounds like your boyfriend needs more nutrients but is not able to absorb them from food due to his body rejecting the food. Any suggestions or ideas that you can give me would be great. Also, how would you prevent the mix from traveling through your system as fast as. The idea of one cure all that works for everyone sounds phenomenal. And really the only 2 I can think of that if you recieved absolutely none of would that make you sick fast enough to be nocticable is sodium and pottasium. My cravings and tastes closely matched with my needs. At the least, steer clear of meats with preservatives and color or flavor enhancers, particularly added nitrites, as they can be pretty toxic. paleo diets put extra stress on your organs. Faeces is not just food but also parts of broken down red blood cells. Pingback: Man Came Up With This Product So He Would Never Have to Eat Food Again — Chris Jones Media. Use whole grains, legumes and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and other anti-nutrients. The VitaMix 5200 is the standard model and comes with cookbooks and a CD instruction program and a 7-year warranty. The brain can metabolize ketones for energy perfectly fine, and the body has no trouble synthesizing as much glucose as it needs. But on day 3 I noticed my heart was racing and my energy level was suddenly dropping. My latest MCV is identical to my previous results, at 99. I think you would be much better off using the soylent just for macros (fat, protein, carbs, fiber) and using capsules for your vitamins and minerals. They would literally jump out of the darkness and tear your child to bits the moment you left the poor tyke unattended. There is much evidence that oxidized LDL is a cause of arterial plaque and heart disease. If this soylent lifestyle catches on for me, I can save my much-needed money. Phenylketonuria is a rare defect in which the body is unable to break down phenylalanine. These are 100% natural and no calorie yet I am sure they are processed to an extent. Hi have heard that Quino is more like a seed than a grain. It seems to me you went from one extreme (a lack of concern for proper nutrition). Hi Neely- I urge you to remove palm oil from your list. I do not need know veggies or whole fruits. As you mentioned in your post, that the key is balance. As I started running longer distances I craved more carbohydrates. Traveling back home to the American south I am still shocked to see how prevalent obesity is. In my opinion, it could bring your website a little livelier. Plus, a lot of people have problems with whey or they develop problems with it (or rice protein or egg protein, etc. I have been on the Paleo diet for eight weeks. I notice only now how much of this city is devoted to the stuff. S. Check out the Business Insider article mentioned in the comments. I have a niece who has polysyclic ovarian disorder and is overweight. When I started paleo, I got an app on my iphone that let me track everything I ate (fitday. If this were a scientifically controlled experiment, interim reports at 2, 3, 6, and 12 months would be part of the protocol laid out before the experiment began, and follow-up reports at years 2, 5, and 10 would likely be proposed options. Women of menstruating age need more, but everyone needs it. You, Mark, and Robb have been most helpful. You probably have a much higher risk with your diet versus keto (which is a well studied subject). Are most vinegars allowed, like white wine, red wine, sherry. You can be guaranteed that if you drastically reduce a prime purpose of the colon there will be consequences that over the long term that will be serious. The protein could also come from soy or brown rice but that is much more expensive. The body is constantly producing toxic byproducts itself through metabolic pathways. These poor animals are killed with machetes so that the palm oil industry can flourish. The execution here is much better than in standard diets though. To find a CSA in your area go to localharvest. I have extream time constrainsts everyday for three months at a time, and something like this would be a godsend, not only for the time saved, but also the money, and the health implacations of sitting all day every day, during those months. Metallic sodium is VERY light. , so adding to it is also not optimal. this may be the next step. A sustainable and balanced option would be a miracle for me and many others. How are you implementing this in your exercise routine. Check mercola. Cows and pigs and chickens were bred the same way. An iron atom is the same whether it comes from a steak, your blood, a rock, or a pile of rust. For every meal at home I would then have to clean and dry the dishes. If you saved money on food at home you would have the freedom to go out more often. As for the Ezekiel bread, sprouted grains are way more tolerable by people than unsprouted grains, but sprouted legumes still contain anti-nutrients, and that product contains sprouted soy (and malted barley, a source of gluten and other anti-nutrients. As one commenter mentioned, maybe you reaped the benefits of a detox diet becuase you were eating a pretty standard diet to begin with. If so, there could definitely arise a Soylent production monopoly. Pingback: Rob Rhinehart has a crazy plan to let you go without food forever. How does your genetic signals respond to the lack of environmental triggers such as food. Hmm it looks like your blog ate my first comment (it was super long). I am interested in trying your product for myself. Just taking a macrobiotic bacteria supplement like yakult is not enough to ensure all of your diverse populations of gut flora are healthy. Many people know how to prepare foods that takes the gas-producing properties out of legumes. The only other source of energy is fat that is turned into ketones. Finally, I can have my cake and eat it too. I am back on the paleo diet and already feel better even after 2 days. My vitamin supplement is mixed by yours truly out of more than a dozen bottles. Thank you for the shopping list) and even my husband likes your recepies he is a French chef and thankfully enjoys making your recepies for me. So, all that thought and effort, and you use common foods and. com is good). I was recently diagnosed with celiac disease and had thyroid cancer 2 years ago. Fermented dairy is also listed as a healthy traditional food choice on the Weston Price website. Almost everything known about dietary requirements is based on difficult studies in which some component is removed. Here I was, actuall yinterested in what you were saying. I happen to be quite allergic to all types of nuts ie walnuts, peanuts, almonds (almond flour etc). A meal is meant to be a celebration, giving thanks for the bounties of life and sharing the daily experiences. Raw milk has the lactace already it to assist in the digestion of the lactose. Pingback: How I Will Try to Stop Eating Most Foods For 30 Days. I think this would be very good and I would love to try this. I want to give it a try for sure, kind of reminds me of juicing or fasting but there is no lack of nutrients. carbs, proteins and fats could be added to the mixture in small amounts. Are you thinking of getting this approved by the FDA. While it may be good for us the palm oil industry is the biggest threat to the few orangutans that are left in the wild. and not so much meat. It was a report from an American Heart Association meeting and as far as I can tell this was never actually published and thus subject to the stringent review of much better studies. The food industry of the world needs, and I feel fairly confident, eventually will be dismantled and rebuilt. Its equivalent to saying, its impossible to get raw tomatos because of ketchup manufacturers. But what about the So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk. Not only does it interest me to be rid of this habit, but it would be greatly beneficial to me as a college student. In fact I could get rid of the kitchen entirely, no fridge sucking down power, no constant cleaning or worrying about pests, and more living space. This could easily solve both obesity in the U. But here are two blog posts for endurance athletes eating Paleo. I know that over the years we are simply creating a world of unfit human beings, and realistically takeaways and the sort, have only been operating for the last 100 years and look how fat society is. I had just yesterday heard about this way of eating, so I made a shopping trip to Sprouts and found Pecan Crackers that were wheat and gluten free. As for breakfast, maybe just make breakfast in bulk, like our omelet muffins or something similar and eat them throughout the week as leftovers. Should you prefer to use them for visiting nearby places with family. This has been the most helpful Paleo website that I could find. which takes up a huge amount of land to sustain the human population. I have been dealing with weight issues all my life, even more, after my three children were born. I want to maintain it and spend less energy getting energy. The only affect would may be due to the absence of roughage or bulk. However, I think that in a practical application, Soylent should be used when needed, and not replacing food. I only have to remove a few grams of fiber from my system per week. Do I have to follow the paleo recipes or can I make up my own variations for meals. By your own admission, you ate like crap beforehand and you wonder why you were listless and splotchty. And on that diet, pork and shellfish are forbidden and potatoes and corn are allowed. Is there an acceptable alternative to Almond flour other than coconut flour. If you are pregnant and are set on doing this diet be sure to take a calcium supplement because a high protein diet in hard on the liver and kidneys and also leaches calcium out of your system. Check out for some answers to your questions. We move forward, no need to go back as if we still live in caves. I was just planning out how i was going to survive bulimia because i naturally vomit if i eat anyway so i started making my bulimia diary. Since I am autoimmune, I understand for the first month eggs and nuts should also be eliminated from my diet. I check my formula and realize iron is completely absent. That makes total sense, but a lot of times, those harmful chemicals can be eliminated simply on how the foods are prepared. When I was off I paid for it dearly, but I soon found just the right mixture. I give you some tips in the ebook for combatting cravings. He had bad nights after trying each of them. I notice beauty and art around me that I never did before. To become a proper doctor of anything takes study and concentration. She had gone on it for only 8-9 days and test results proved it worked for lowering all three of those risk factors. I think, my heart is having trouble getting enough oxygen to all my organs. I have suffered from Binge Eating Disorder for the last 35 years give or take. My LDL cholesterol is subject to be slightly higher than average, while my HDL levels typical. There is not, and cannot be, such a thing as an organic mineral. It could be argued that an animals specific metabolic functions provide certain amino acids that humans may not be able to consume, but it seems that the main components necessary are met. Poi ci sono anche monaci eremiti e asceti di clausura di stretta osservanza che farebbero questa dieta. Your reaction to having to eat is bizarre. Even if its not yet tested against the many problems raised by users here, it does has alot of commercial values. The problem with food today is not really that hard. Vitamins like many of the minerals stated above act as cofactors for various enzymes. Hi, I have been eating paleo for about 9 months now and love it. All that time went into typing all of this, and your conducted research. Pingback: Soylent: The Future of Food (Part 1) - SERIOUS WONDER. Once they figure that out and eliminate it, they are just like you week 3-4, while still eating food. Looks like you have a great and trusted resource here. Eating is just so annoying, expensive, complicated, and time-consuming. Not sure if anyone has asked this already, but how is your pooping. Now I spend about 5 minutes in the evening preparing for the next day, and every meal takes a few seconds. I am glad that you just shared this useful information with us. I hope your experiment is a success and an FDA approved commercial product comes out of this. Once you establish a good baseline formula, it can be tweaked on an individual basis for various applications. I have not enjoyed food in over a decade. I have tried something similar before but i dont have the knowledge to pull off a complete food abstinance. Though processed foods set off my IBS, and this is as processed as it gets, so probably not. I am not just looking to lose weight with this change of life, but to also feel better and have improved health. I make 2 meals every night (dinner and if no leftovers whatever it is I will take for lunch). Also, 30 days on ANY diet is not going to hurt the average person. As previous commenters have pointed out, many western people now have personal experience of low carb, paleo diets etc with no ill effects over 6 months plus. It has 22 g. But you can always change the menu and shopping list to fit your needs. what should I do and how do I approach this subject. Came here after a friend shared your project. My concern for her is that she has a tree nut allergy, so essentially all nuts other than peanuts. If only essential vitamins and minerals are being consumed then there. But agriculture has been great for us as a species, though it does not provide the perfect model for personal health. Roger Ebert who can no longer eat because of mouth cancer has a solution he takes. And if using traditional mainstream definitions, then numerous plant foods still fit the bill, ex, quinoa, etc. Would it be possible to include me in a study, especially on the benefits of soylent curbing or at least decreasing the effects of, sleep deprivation. I find this concept intriguing, and being opened minded has proven to be not only informative, but fun. If you find it harder to chew or swallow when you get back to solid food, please do report. I also bought Silk brand soy milk and am not sure yet if I can drink it. In place of almond flour, you can use half and half of tapioca flour and coconut flour. I would say eating more veggies and staying away from ALL grains is most important and of course high quality grass fed meats. ANYWAY, back on subject, are these essential foods. e. Synthetic vitamins and real vitamins contain the exact same vitamers, which are the functional molecules. Need to keep that Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio proper. From flax seed and black currant and borage help. That arrogance is ironic, common sense informs one that a living being needs to consume living foods for health. Keep the acidic foods like oranges and tomatoes out at first, but eat the healthy fats in moderation and see how you do. Spot on with this write-up, I honestly feel this website needs a great deal more attention. Have you checked the pH of your urine after eating. Though I hope to have the equipment soon to analyze it and know for sure. I do see an odvious market for this as a product though. Week 2 was rough since I started experimenting with the proportions, trying to find the optimum amount of everything. Maybe there are adverse long term effects, maybe the long term effects are positive. One thing worries me: your digestive tract, teeth and jaw. Anyway, just wanted to share that this does work if you follow it. Hi, I want to try the Paleo plan but I cannot eat nuts. I have for some time been wondering how feasible this would actually be. I start my new journey at life today at 330 lbs. Cheers. Basically, though, if you were to only do one thing differently for your health, in my opinion, it would be to cut out all grains. 1% monounsaturated and 69. As an ardent, although not strict, supporter of the paleo way of eating, I see potential here based on the nutritional science I learned while researching that. You could always find a rich source of lactobacillus acidophilus and add that to the Soylent. But with all of them I found them very expensive. When I was deficient of iron I felt a strong craving for red meat. My one suggestion to you is to make sure these kids are getting enough carbs. Also Iwould recomend Pea protein isolate as a vegan alternative to whey. All the components could not be ingested at one time. Do you need to take vitamin supplements on the Paleo diet. So, viewing our body as a vast (bio)chemical reactor is, technically, correct. 4% - Page 8 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum. Food is not just nutrition my friend. Whey protein is dairy, so read up on the dairy debate on this blog and others for more info there. For dinner my boyfriend makes a chicken breast or turkey burgers (no buns) or some kind of fish and we eat raw veggies with it. 968 gm per cu cm. I have tried everything to combat this and overcome the impossible hurdle that is losing PCOS weight and nothing has worked. Sufficient amounts of glucose can be produced through gluconeogenesis in the liver and are not required to be ingested. I use creative ribose to hydrate my muscle cells. As a next step you might consider polyphasic sleep. Im a beauty therapish and i find my job is very physical, will this diet leave me low on energy. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, bananas, apples, pears, mangoes, tapioca flour, and plantains are all high in carbs and still Paleo. Then he makes some kind of religious appeal to authority. With that, I am NOT afraid of embracing modern science. I am new to the Paleo diet and am a bit confused about the legume restriction. Sometimes a food is better because a sacrifice in quality has made it cheaper. Or is there a natural protein shake I can be making for myself. The minerals need to be organic from whole food sources, and the vitamins that are synthetic are just isolates and act like drugs. I think getting the proper amount of protein in the beginning of going Paleo is really important in the healing process of your body, though, so make sure you get a lot of those sources of protein. And all of those oils actually taste great with meat. The following plan will fill me up for the day. Before their transformation, they were eating like crap. Will starting the diet help me curb the craving for the soda. Regarding the questions about stuff like Ensure or Boost. I still want to work to get it down a bit further. I was anorexic for years and bulimic for years after. Once a month I might have like natural rice meaning no bleach or processing but I keep to it with exception of something like that. First off thank you for all your useful information. I guess I can only tell you to read, read, read. (Less than the weight of water). Is there a protein powder out there for the paleo plan. In this way the basic foods are grown in environments suited to provide the food all its needs, and thus provide our nutritional needs. There is nothing wrong with not being an expert in chemistry. Balsamic vinegar yes (in our opinion), and chocolate in moderation (like not every day). Excessive glucose causes insulin response, hence, restrict carbs completely and fat to a minimal level if you are diabetic. This could revolutionize and eliminate many problems with the agro industry. I would argue that you are missing out on some phytonutrients though (plant nutrients such as polyphenols). When you go to the store to buy food, buy only meat, vegetables, and fruit. We have a meal plan, a couple ebooks that include meal plans, and a fitness program all on this page: if you want to read more about it. I guess the other question is if there will be slight variations of the formula for people who work out intensely, or their job requieres using brain vs hands, or if the person is just a couch potato. It is one of the most fundamental rituals of human living that teach us how to interact as a society. I have strong will powers and can defeat temptations easily. Go for dairy from grass-fed cows, and preferably whole fat, fermented, unpasteurized and unhomogenized. ( ). And your skin absorbs way more of what you put on it than you think, so the cleaner the product the better. If you want something carby, eat this or sweet potatoes or squash or even potatoes occasionally. I am willing to pay you, track my progress, etc. They may have digestive symptoms or skin irritation or asthma or fatigue after eating it, just like they would with other grains. Lastly, what about the pleasure of eating solid food. I started the Paleo diet and have seen immediate results with my blood sugar levels and my weight loss. They will come for you if you get too big, so be careful. My only concern with your experiment is that I would worry about the long term effects of getting the proportions wrong on trace and ultratrace nutrients. True, we are constantly making red blood cells, but the iron for that is largly recycled from old ones, with a small regular intake from diet to make up for the small losses (through cuts, tiny amounts in feces, etc. There is certainly a great deal to find out about. Congrats on your success so far on the diet. All are good, as well as the butters that are made from them. You can eat too many calories of any macronutrient and gain weight. I am really into health, and would definitely love to get rid of my skin disease at the same time. Why should you stay away from potatoes if you have an autoimmune disorder. org. Sorry sweety this sounds like an other food issue. Would that be okay, or is only 100% coconut milk considered Paleo. Thank you so much for all of the great information. sugars. I have spent one month focusing on getting my eating adjusted and just found your site a week ago. My trainer also follows the Paleo diet which is very nice because he helps to motivate me but he mentioned that I should be taking a protein shake on the days I work out. Neely, Thank you for your super great information. This usually results in one meal every day or two depending on what else I have going on and who I am with. This product has some serious value to me in several different aspects of my life. If you are concerned about cholesterol or blood pressure, measure it when you start and track it with your doctor. Also Splenda, aspartame, Equal, and anything else that is a man-made chemical sweetener is out. Take a look at to get some idea of how complex the reactions are and where saliva fits into the picture. I gave it up to avoid the risk of exposing myself to food sensitivities. For those wondering whether this diet will leave you nutritionally deficient, I had the same concern myself. I think your recipe is a step in the right direction, but is probably missing a lot of helpful chemicals. It is a painful chore that I would just as soon not do if I had the option. com multivitamins, or Garden for life I believe. Store them in the fridge or freezer to avoid oxidation and rancidity. Too much sugar can make you fat, lethargic, and grumpy. Originally I picked a flavor I liked and stuck with it but I found that I ended up disliking the flavor due to the repetition. Rob please, read the good comments that have been made here on Ketogenic diet. Some people on this comment board act as if food and sleep are a waste of time and undesirable. I am thin (ultra thin actually), have PCOS without Insulin resistance and I workout 4-5 days a week. I still drink coffee occasionally, but I no longer need it, which is nice. He has since discovered that some foods are OK, but others he suffers immediate reaction to. Your fat can store sime vitamins and calories, which might get released during this experiment. Besides that, though, there are countless diabetics eating this way who are in essence no longer diabetic. Given that your only cosumming essential nutrients, does this mean that your bowel movements are now reduced to zero. And it means removing grains (breads, pastas, rice, etc), beans, soy, dairy, certain vegetable oils, and refined sugar from your diet. Even if they did, they would not have eaten them (until rather recently) in very high quantities, which is one of the main tenets of Paleo. This means no Almond milk or flour for her also. In addition to our Paleo diet food list, you should also consider using our free Paleo recipes and easiest of all you should try our Paleo Meal Plan. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have not had to take my medicine in a week after the cleanse. You will no longer need to use organs for the purpose for which they were made, genetically engineered nonetheless, so probably totally irrelevant to this breakthrough and how utterly conformist. Chewing also exercises the muscles in your face so without doing it, you will notice some loss of tone. He has nut and seafood allergies, so we avoid those foods. Being Italian, big holiday meals are the norm for my family. Organic means containing carbon along with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen. While I think the implications here are for a good cause, I would be very curious to see what happens 6 months down the road. How does this diest adjust for a vegetarian. Remember I am not trying to lose weight here. Imagine the absurdity of a fried mars bar to our ancestors. Legumes contain phytic acid and lectins, among other properties that are detrimental to your health. There is more to food than basic nutrients, there are thousands of unknown phyto nutrients that produce human health. The waste product of glucose metabolism is carbon dioxide, something that the body disposes of VERY easily. A buildup of phenylalanine in the body can cause irreparable damage. If you could please explain why I should opt for organic shampoo, soap, deodorant and toothpaste etc. If three days of an iron-free diet was what it took to give us iron-deficiency anemia, the human race would be extinct. I also do some peanut butter and lentils. As an involuntary compensation bruxism during the night may appear. I mean How I Stopped Eating Food: Mostly Harmless is a little boring. I currently follow the Weston A Price diet, with raw organic dairy only (nothing pastuerized). I am heavy into lifting and tend to take a creatine supplement and a amino acid stack. How wasteful society has been with its women. It really depends on your size and activity level, but you might expect to lose a couple pounds per week, probably more in the beginning. While aiding infood digestion is arguably the main function, gut flora also playa. Superior internet site I discovered info really informative. It does not mean I can achieve it even working as hard as I do. Next we will be the first animals to not intake food, and stop shitting. What happens when the intestinal villi atrophy from lack of stuff to digest. Hello, My lo has had digestive issues all of her life. I want to live a healthier life without heart disease and cancer but Im afraid to pick the wrong one because in my opinion both seem very healthy. I am about 350 pounds and desperately want and need to lose weight. Can you please elaborate about raw shelled hemp seeds as a source of protein. That is that by only providing a living thing with basic nutritional elements outside the whole of the environment an organism can survive. I want to start eating the paleo way but am concerned this will not work well with my cholesterol issue. Read more about all this on the blog here. Yeast is the only non-refined leavener that was available in the Paleolithic era, but I doubt cavemen could figure out how to grow and maintain a starter. i just realized that i had no idea what proper nutrition is. And if you want to go back to the traditional way of eating then no one can stop you from growing your own food. I have noticed my children have problems digesting peanuts and refined sugars so this week we went Paleo. The movie changed many aspects of the book. I fear mostly the long-term effects of this diet. Part of my problem is my digestive track basically shuts down and gets backed up occasionally. I do like the idea of cheap and correct intake, but the system is more complex than that. This would be really helpful for at least two meals a day. I wanna try Paleo to see how it can help with improving my health and wellness. Also it would be interesting to compare the carbon footprint of producing, extracting and refining the nutrients, vitamins and minerals in this diet as opposed to panting, growing, harvesting, packaging, cooking, consuming and disposing of standard food produce. I now do something similar to you in that I use Ensure as my staple and eat as a form of entertainment only, not as a means of survival. I think Rob especially makes the case for traveling the soylent route in the sheer economics of time and money. I can certainly understand limiting them if you are not as active. Period. This is primarily due to a trigger such as not drinking enough water or consuming too much sugar which dries out the colon and backs that up then backs everything up to the stomach and stops moving. I am very interested to see how this works out for you in the long term.

Exercise is obviously beneficial to the human body, but to truly measure the effect of the diet itself, uncoupled from exercise, you would need three groups: a control group, a group just eating Soylent and not exercising, and a group eating Soylent and exercising. They are not a meal replacement or nutritional supplement at all. I did a quick scan and it seems you have reduced a large amount of fibre from this diet (defecating infrequently). I see many Paleo recipes using chemical leaveners but they are all either mined and refined or chemically produced. Let us know how the sweet potato chips turn out. Many supplement companies sell poorly absorbable forms or forms that need to be furthur processed in the body to become active. This is one reason I just signed up to try Soylent. I have high cholesterol and take medication to control it because it is inherited and not from my diet. This is no panacea, but I am quite confident it constitutes a reduction in consumption and environmental impact compared to traditional foodstuffs. It would certainly releive a lot of problems in our strained healthcare system. The Paleo Plan meal plan makes following a Paleo diet really easy, since your menus, recipes and paleo shopping lists are all laid out for you. Be very interested in a participating in a study. I was also surprised at how quickly iron seemed to help. My kids love juice so want to be sure I have a way to make orange juice for them. If you let me try, I would eat sugarless chewing gum. I have the energy of a 20 year old, and as mentioned, the blood to show for it. Schott bottle) with an autoclave is how we make sure our nutrient media lasts on the shelf. Just getting exposed to the benefits of the paleo diet through my trainer. If chi was a real thing messing around with it could kill the patient. Someone in my Myspace group shared this website with us so I came to. Are ketchup and mustard ok to eat on the paleo diet. I can certainly understand wanting to cut down on the expense of it, but that can be done without resorting fully abandoning food. This shake would NOT be considered Paleo, right. Both a workmate and myself have been reducing the amount of food we are eating for the last two weeks and minimalising everything by over half. I immediately felt full, yet energized, and started my day. Hospitals have a solution they give patients in an IV in place of food. I have been vegan for the past couple years and I realized my dairy intolerance once I made the change. It tasted like a sweet, succulent, hearty meal in a glass, which is what it is, I suppose. A food plan (aka: diet) I can follow and eat. Our bodies are not made to digest liquids only. You fail to give the exact source of each of these ingredients, and their forms. But compared to, say, 25g in 100g of ground beef, all grains are low in protein. I think the whey protein is quite isolated so any amount of hormone or pesticide would be negligible. Just as plants can grow and live on basic fertilizers, it seems they lose fundamental nutritional value. Do you know any solutions to help protect against content from being ripped off. Could this be mixed with occasioanl solid food. This is one hell of a kitchen tool for all kinds of apllications. Soylent seems like the way to go if you figure out the proper proportions for your body. I tried pizza last night for the first time in a week, I felt so crappy and bloated. I notice a lot of the recipes include coconut. The difference is I do not trust the agribusiness, and so buy old grails, sprouted from organic farms. What happens to intestinal micrflora and the GI immune function. I think the composition of Soylent willl have to change depending on local food consumption habits. You could use almonds to replace the protein, fat and carbohydrate. Sometimes you can use almond milk and sometimes you can use oil. Interesting concept just wondering what forms of the other products you are using. I was wondering if anyone here knows exactly what differences there are in nutritional requirements for women, and whether there would be interest for a female version. How many things do people do that are dangerous and without thought. I would love to try this out, and see for myself, if it can replace meals. And is there really any way to do the paleo diet without eating a ton of meat. No one has or realistically can have a monopoly on plain essential nutrients. Ensure has a range of products from 200 calories per bottle to 350 calories per bottle. Through many trials and unsuccessful products, I began looking on the web for other solutions. I resent that health is so strongly correlated with socioeconomic class. The reason this practice, which really is beyond no one, is niche is because the industry is adept at selling the idea that food is just another obstruction to accessing your real interests, so just buy it pre-made and get on with things. Why users still make use of to read news papers when in this. Oh god please stop yelling you grumpy grumpy man. After I switched to paleo and dropped the grains, the difference was amazing to the point that I was once again able to eat most of the foods which would previously have triggered IBS flare ups. I think a lot of that has to do with the lack of toxins. It is interesting that this article mentions Weston Price in connection with the paleo diet and includes a link to a website with his name. Dude you are utterly full of shit, an iron deficiency does not develop from two days of not eating iron. And I dissolve Iron Chellate in fat separately before adding it to the mixture. i dont want to undo the weight iv lost. If I eat before hand, I get chastised for being on a diet. I think living of supplements can put you at high risk of an eating disorder, especially if your energy intake is too low. Can you please take a look at my question which is two comments above. I also want to know, do we really need all that extra sugar and total crap in our diets. I have some grasp of the basics of Paloe diet. We have a garden, we raise ducks for eggs and meat as well as other poultry, dexter cows and nigerian dwarf goats for meat and milk, and hunt when the season allows. Whether this is accomplished peacefully or not is a different matter. Pingback: Please do not volunteer for this study. I still eat socially, and enjoy it thoroughly. But I live to eat (no obsessions though). I stumbled on this from and article on the news. Perhaps I am missing an essential nutrient that we were not aware of. Do you have any recommendations for first-time blog writers. The only thing I missed was eating with friends. It would make my year, not just my day, if you said yes. I held my nose and tepidly lifted it to my mouth, expecting an awful taste. Soylent is about 95% of my meals now, meaning I can make the ones I do eat very enjoyable. You certainly have the capability to be healthy, but it will cost you. The former is more sciencey, which I appreciated as a fellow engineer. I work out everyday and have come to a plateau. Once they control food and water supplies, you are slaves. With all their money and access to expensive therapists you would think they could beat it but this is not the case, sadly for them as they suffer just like the rest of us. I have a question about the type of meats to eat. Thank you for your post and for your endeavors with Soylent. Hello, i read your blog occasionally and i own a similar one and i was. I read a lot about paleo before starting. My husband is on the Paleo diet and with the holidays coming up, I want to make some desserts that he can eat. What I think is that, just like in Wall-E, that Soylent comes flavored. I would like to see a response to Krysta B on December 8th, I am just starting the Paleo FULL FORCE now. I for one would not miss the stereotype of the housewife in the kitchen. While perhaps not ideal, I think this is certainly better than the average diet. There are plenty of snacks on the recipes page that are savory if you need more ideas. What is the affect of this diet for people with acid reflux problems. Everything except the fiber is absorbed in to my bloodstream so I poop very little. The ancient people that actually believed in acupunture believed it was what made people alive. Clinicians seem to be mostly in agreement that a fully ketogenic diet is unhealthy and dangerous. My skin is clearer and I have less visceral fat, and best of all my face and neck have slimmed down, which has done wonders for my self-esteem. I just read an informative article about the toxicity of chlorine from a ten minute hot shower here. People, for better or for worse, like food. I deleted breakfast from my schedule completely, but your drink sounds like a healthy alternative. Thank you. , considering the modern options seem like they would clean better. On day 4 I caught myself balancing on the curb and jumping on and off the sidewalk when crossing the street like I used to do when I was a kid. The flaw in your theory is that you assume that we understand all of the human nutritional means and we can synthesize these needs. When it comes to fruits, I can have them as a juice after I have placed them in the blender. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and alert and never feel drowsy during the day. However I do think, as a base diet, this certainly has potential. Basically, though, you might be forced to explain your choices if you really want them to leave you alone. I have a family history of heart disease, but my risk is now well below average. Teeth and gums need to be exercised, otherwise like any other body part they get weaker and can get in serious trouble, for teeth we could have: lower tissue density, and sort of getting loose (the teeth adjust against each-others when under pressure). As you say, there are a great many people who are pressed for time who make terrible nutritional choices, and this would be a good way to ensure a decent baseline in the morning, when most are rushing to work or school. I assume her point was if this was used to cure world hunger as indicated in this thread. What would you say to the critics that say red meat is awful for your body and digestive system. The waste product of protein and fat metabolism is ammonia, uric acid (among other things), both of which are toxic to the body. I too, have read something about the Hashi-Gluten issue. Although it is possible there is some other function for iron in the diet, such as assisting nut